Hi, I'm Colya
Picture of Colya
About Me

Who is Colya?

A Creative and Tech-Savvy Full Stack Developer!


What do you want to be when you grow up?

Until very recently I found it hard to answer that question.


At the beginning of my spiritual journey some years ago I realized that I wasn't very... happy. I absolutely I had to make some changes

How can I be happy?

I figured I love to sing and I love to spend money so I should be a singer! Then I realized that could take some time and I wanted to spend money NOW ^u^.

What to do?

I then had to figure out 'What can I do to make money that allows me to be creative while I work on my singing career?'



Through meditation I found my answer: Coding!

It just came to me

I started thinking about how often I would beg my theatre teacher in high school to build a new website for the department (she didn't want to pay for it lol) and all the times I was messing with the html code on my tumblr and could never get it quite right.


I immediately reach out to my cousin who works in the technology field and ask him for tips. He assigned me a Next.js project that I attempted without reading or knowing anything about anything. I failed... miserably... and then he sent me a link that would change my life.


It was a link to BloomTech or Bloom Institute of Technology! In this bootcamp I would learn all the skills I need to become a successful developer and engineer and set me on the path to achieving my dreams.

Technologies I love to work with
My Recent Work

Here are some awesome projects I worked on!

I've worked on many more but these two are my favorite at the moment

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Latest Update 2023. Made with ♥ by Colya